The IDPA™ is specifically designed to provide additional pressure on top of a dressed wound or in areas where compressible hemorrhage requires heightened control. Its unique design allows for secure attachment to a tourniquet or elastic bandage, ensuring stability and accuracy during application.
Can be useful for applying pressure to irregular wound patterns and wounds not amenable with a tourniquet.
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The IDPA™ is specifically designed to provide additional pressure on top of a dressed wound or in areas where compressible hemorrhage requires heightened control. Its unique design allows for secure attachment to a tourniquet or elastic bandage ensuring stability and accuracy during application.
Can be useful for applying pressure to irregular wound patterns and wounds not amenable with a tourniquet.
Key features for the IDPA include:
The IDPA is sold without a tourniquet.
Compatible tourniquets: C-A-T Gen 7 Tourniquet, SOF Tourniquet, SAM XT Tourniquet, X8T Tourniquet
CRITIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Be sure the tourniquet nylon webbing lies above the blade and the base plate of the tourniquet lies under the blade. If the nylon webbing is below the blade, once the windless tightens the tourniquet, the webbing will push up the blade and you risk separating the blade from the IDPA. The IDPA will still function even if the blade separates.
Chinook IDPA Demo Video
Marketing Materials:
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Download Highlight Sheet (PDF)
Download the Instruction for Use (PDF)