Chest Tube Insertion Kit

Product No. #500777
NSN: 6515-01-579-3275
This product is for Military and Federal Government purchases only. Please call to order 800-766-1365.
This product is for Military, Federal Government, or Physician purchases only. If you do not meet this requirement this item will be deleted from your cart. If you are a civilian physician a medical license is required. Please call to order 800-766-1365.
Purchase of this medical device requires that the user have supervision from a licensed medical practitioner. Devices requiring such supervision may be labeled "Caution" or "RX only". Ensuring this supervision is the purchaser's responsibility. By adding this item to the cart I verify that I accept these terms.



This product is available for U.S. Military and Federal Civilian Government Sales.  Please call to order.

The H&H Emergency Chest Tube Insertion Kit contains the tools needed in emergency situations to perform chest intubation. Our vacuum-sealed and sterile kit contains:

  • One PriMed Gauze
  • One H&H Wound Seal
  • Two Rochester-Pean Forceps
  • One Curved Kelly Forceps
  • One Mayo Hegar N/H
  • One #10 Scalpel
  • One Argyle Chest Tube
  • One Ethicon Silk Suture
  • One Heimlich Drain Valve
  • One Petroleum Gauze
  • One Sterile Field

Our Chest Tube Insertion Kit is carefully packed and vacuum-sealed to create a small, tight package that can be stored in any trauma or advanced first aid kit.


  • NSN 6515-01-579-3275
  • Package Dimensions: 6.25″ x 13.75″ x 1.5″
  • Package Weight: 13 oz.
  • Shelf Life: 3 years

